Swim Log


Short listing of some of the swims completed by our members over the years. Many more to come! 


Wexford Food & Wine Fest May 2017 SWIM

Swim with “The Happy Pear” (500m & 1 km)


Thursday, 30/07/2015 English Channel Solo Crossing: Maeve in 14 hours 49 mins. Boat = Anastasia piloted by Eddie Spelling

Wednesday, 25/06/2015 North Channel Crossing: Relay team (Denise, Enda, James, James, Peter, Sandra) in 13 hours 9 mins. Piloted by Quentin


Tuesday, 08/07/2014 English Channel Crossing: Relay team (Eamonn, Enda, Peter, Saskia, Denise, James) in 12 hours 31 mins. Boat = Anastasia piloted by Eddie Spelling

St. Stephen's Day 2014!

17th August 2014: Slaney River 3km swim

Sunday, 22/09/2013 Great Wicklow 10km swim: Cecile 2 hrs 53 mins (w) & Maeve 2 hrs 41 mins (s)

Sunday, 22/09/2013 Blackwater-Gap-Curracloe 7km swim: Eamonn (s), Enda (s), Pat(w)

Sunday, 22/09/2013 Blackwater to Curracloe 5km swim: Ruth, Tony (s), David, PJ

Sunday, 08/09/2013 Glendalough 3.9km swim: Paul 1:05:31, Eamonn 1:05:36, Heike 1:13:07, PJ 1:18:02 (all w)

Saturday, 07/09/2013 Wendy Herbst 3km swim: Pat 37:56, Peter 40:13, Victor 40:37, Ruth 41:11, Colman 45:46

Sunday, 01/09/2013 Escape from Spike Island 2km swim: Colin (31 mins)

Sunday, 31/08/2013 Rosslare 5.6km swim: Pat

Sunday, 31/08/2013 Healy O’Kane 1.8km swim: Peter 33:30, Colman 44:00

Saturday, 24/08/2013 Hardman Ironman 3.9km swim: Richie completed full Ironman in 12:52:22

Aug 2013 Cap-Martin swim: Heike (1st in age group)

Friday, 23/08/2013 Ballycotton Island 4km swim: Hans 1.08.35(w), Eamonn 1.10.23(s), Dave 1.13.39(w), Maeve 1.15.06(s), Pat 1.26.44(w)

Monday, 26/08/2013 Saltees 4.3km swim: Pat (1 hr 15) – Below swim pic & Google Earth (.kml) file which plays swim route

  • Tuesday, 06/08/2013 World Police and Fire Games 3km swim: Pat
  • Sunday, 04/08/2013 Saltees 4km swim: Denise, Tony, Sandra, Amanda, PJ, Richie, Saskia, Colin, Peter, James, Enda(s), Maeve(s), Dave, Cecile, Hans, Heike, Neal, Paul, Eamonn(s)
  • Sunday, 30/06/2013 Mid-summer Wicklow 1.5km swim: Pat 23:29, Hans 24:04, Colman 24:36, Peter 27:57 (s)
  • Sunday, 30/06/2013 Austrian Ironman 3.9km swim: Marie Casey-Breen completed full Ironman in 14:56:04
  • Saturday, 29/06/2013 Slaney 5km swim: Hans, Heike, Pat, Maeve, Eamonn (s), Denise, Cecile, Sandra, Tony, David, Colin
  • Saturday, 08/06/2013  GaddinAbt (Around Garinish Island) 5km swim: Hans 17th (1:34:05)
  • Sunday, 26/05/2013  Swim Athy: 750m: Sandra 7th (14:10), Audrey 23rd (17:53); 1500m: Hans 5th (24:15), Eamonn 6th (24:35), Enda 8th (25:41), Denise 17th (33:34); 3850m: Marie 5th (1:12:34)
  • 7th September 2013: Wendy Herbst 3km swim (Wicklow)

                              Well done Victor, Colman, Pat, Ruth and Peter. Thanks to Katie for the pics!

    4th August 2013 - Swim from Little Saltee Island to Kilmore Quay (approx. 3.7 km) in aid of the RNLI


    29th June, 2013 - Fundraiser for Slaney Search n' Rescue


    • Friday, 31/08/2012 Ballycotton Island 4 km swim: Hans 49.23 (w), Maeve 56.28, Enda 57.20 (w),  David 1.05.44 (w),  Pat 1.11.06 (w)
    • Sunday 26/08/2012 Healy O’Kane Race, Wicklow Harbour 1.6 km hosted by Wicklow S.C.: Heike 27:05 (1st woman home!), Sheila 33:03, Denise 34:24, Hans 24:33, Enda 29:51, James 30:44, David 31:02, Ben 34:01, Colman 35:21 and Pat 35:59.
    • Saturday 18/08/2012 Inishbofin Harbour Swim, 8 miles: Maeve 3 hrs 5 mins (wetsuit)
    • Saturday 18/08/2012 1 mile Big Yin Swim in Loch Ness, Dores, Scotland: Hans 24.42 (w), James 27.47 (w), Enda 32.17, Sheila 33.57 (w), Denise 33.58 (w), Pat 34.06 (w), Richie 34.10 (w), Sandra 34.28 (w), Colin 34.56, Brendan 45.29 (w), Pat O’Mahoney 45.43 (w)
    • Thursday 09/08/2012 4.4 km swim, Curracloe-Ballinesker-Curracloe-Culleton’s Gap-Curracloe: Pat Whitney (1 hr 37 mins) timed by Jack the lifeguard
    • Sunday 05/08/2012 2 km Wicklow Open swim, Wicklow Harbour run by Wicklow SC: Hans 19:30 (close 2nd overall, with wetsuit: well done!), Enda 22.20, David 23.40, Pat 24.40, PJ 24.50, Richie 26.10, Denise tbc
    • Sunday 29/07/2012 3 km Club swim, Curracloe: Hans (55 mins), James (57 mins), Maeve (58 mins), Enda (1 hr 1 min), David (1 hr 3 mins), Richie, Pat & PJ (1 hr 4mins), Ben (1 hr 8 mins), Yvette (1 hr 10 mins), Ruth & Tony (1 hr 11 mins), Jason (1 hr 16 mins). Course was from southernmost lifeguard flag to Ballinesker beach entrance (a few swimmers swam an extra little bit beyond this) and back.
    • Sunday 22/07/2012 3 km Club swim, Rosslare: James O’Connor (1 hr 11 mins), David Carley (1 hr 19 mins), Mike Byrne (1 hr 19 mins), PJ Sinnott (1 hr 23 mins), Richie Bridges (1 hr 29 mins). Course was 1.5 km northward along shoreline starting from groyne in line with golf course traverse and back again. Going against SSW wind 17 knots with strong current for return leg.
    • Wicklow Sail Fest 2012 (1.5 km, 22/06/2012, Wicklow SC): Pat Whitney (23 mins), Colin Wilson (24:43 mins, excl. 3 min handicap), Richie Bridges (25:38 mins), Sandra Goldsmith (27:34 mins, excl. 2 min handicap)

    8th September 2012: Upper Lake, Glendalough, Wicklow 1.5 km swim (first ever official swim in location)

    9 swimmers: Colin, Jason, Sandra, Doireann, Tony, Mike, Hans, Enda & Richie

    18th August 2012: Monster Swim in Loch Ness, Dores, Scotland (1 mile Big Yin)

    Sailfest Wicklow 2012: Pat, Richie & Colin


    Alcatraz Classic (wetsuit), San Francisco, 18/09/2011, 2 km (1.25 miles): Sheila O’Connor (45:43 mins), Sandra Goldsmith (46:16 mins), Denise Underwood (47:23 mins), James O’Connor (37:39 mins), Enda Sinnott (39:36 mins), David Carley (42:35 mins), Colin Wilson (43:52 mins), Pat Whitney (46:05 mins), Richie Bridges (47:02 mins), Jason Browne (50:42 mins), Pat O’Mahoney (54:03 mins), Eamonn Sinnott (58:53 mins). Our Club also won the Team Award. The swim was in aid of the Tracie Lawlor Trust for Cystic Fibrosis. €10,619 was raised. 

    08/09/2011, Raven’s Point to Wexford Harbour (4 km): Pat Whitney (1 hr 28 mins) accompanied by boat & skipper, Stephen Kelly

    Alcatraz, San Francisco, US, 2011


    August 2010: Around Ballycotton Island swim, Cork (4 km): Colman Carey (1 hr 47 mins)

    September 2005: Snámh Mór (Brownstown Head to The Guillamene, Tramore Bay): Colman Carey

    Distance Gauge of Local Swims:

    Distances from Ballyhealy to slipway: 1 km 

    Distances from Curracloe Location (as per Google Earth map below):

    • Curracloe (opposite lifeguard’s hut) to Ballinesker: 1.26 km
    • Ballinesker to Ballyconnigar Beach: 4.29 km
    • Ballyconnigar Beach to Morriscastle South (point): 9.04 km
    • Morriscastle South (point) to Morriscastle (opposite lifeguard hut): 1.73 km
    • Total distance from Curracloe (opposite lifeguard hut) to Morriscastle (opp. lifeguard hut): 16.32 km approx.
    • Curracloe (lifeguard hut) to Cullleton’s Gap: 1.8 km (1.1 miles)

    Distances at Carne Pier Location (as per Google Earth map below):

    • Carne Pier to Whilkeen Rock: 1,150 m
    • Whilkeen Rock to Drinagh Point: 700m
    • Drinagh Point to Carne Pier: 986 m
    • Total Distance of Carne Pier-Whilkeen Rock-Drinagh Point-Carne Pier: 2,836 m (Yellow)
    • Pier to St. Margaret’s Beach: 467 m
    • St. Margaret’s Beach to Drinagh Point: 588 m
    • Total Distance from Pier to Drinagh Point: 1,055 m (Green)